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Sports Fishing

ribolov na jezeru Sabljaci Ribolov na jezeru Sabljaci

There are many streams around Ogulin. The Ogulin Angling Society has at its disposal 123.7 km of flowing water. Besides the already mentioned rivers, small rivers, and lakes, fishermen can enjoy the sport on the following: Ribnjak, Rudnica, Jasenačko Vrelo, Krakar at Drežnica, and Ponikvarski Potok, especially known for its brown trout. Brown and rainbow trout, grayling, chub, carp, tench, pike, barbell, perch and brown crab are some of the species in these waters. A daily fishing permit can be obtained in the office of the society every working day from 10am to 12pm at the following address: B. Frankopana 13, tel. 047/531-600, in the Tourist Office, Kardinala A. Stepinca 1, tel. +385 /0/47 532-278.

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